Dear Kids,
So, how'd you get along this week? Was it okay for you? Gee, I hope so.
Got any fun plans for the weekend? The "Super Bowl"?! Look, kids, can your uncle be straight with you? (Leave it!) I'd have a hard enough time if the nation were coming together for the "Souper Bowl" to celebrate the joys of soups and stews. But, you throw sports into the equation and all I think about is Mr. Koethe in junior high physical education classes yelling at me to get out on the field and play some football only to quickly dismiss me from the field to run laps for an hour. Me + sports = Why is everyone yelling? Are we out of champagne? SO not a good fit!
Here's what else has been on my mind (and in order of appearance - buckle up!):
- I wish I lived in San Francisco.
- Sometimes I think, "Dammit! I'm gonna glitter the hell outta one o' my pairs o' shoes one of these days! I like glitter, dammit!
- Then I think, "Do you really think you're gonna pull off that look?"
- WWTGD - What Would Tim Gunn Do
- Phở. (And, yes, it's pronounced "fuh" not "fo".)
- Bánh mì.
- I'm getting app'd and platform'd out. I mean really. Is all of this really saving us time or getting us better connected? Probably not.
- I need to get a smart phone. Oy! Conundrum!
- Facebook is about to produce new millionaires. I passed up a job at a little start-up offering stock options called "Amazon".
- I passed up that job to continue working as a receptionist at a law firm where I got to work alone on the holidays, trap squirrels, and talk to convicts. So, y'know, not a bad trade off. Ugh!
- Glitter!
- "Downton Abbey"! Shut-the-front-door! It's. Bananas!
- Rachel Zoe was in my dream last night. She was super sweet and trying to get me to Blogshop this weekend but kept getting distracted shopping. And, she kept calling me "Brad". I don't think so, "Rach"!
- I had bad dating experiences with boys who loved science fiction.
- I love my dog.
- Elie Saab. Pure genius!
- Pinterest!
- I think about moving to some small town and hunkering down. But, I live in a small town on an island and want to leave. I need some clarification with my subconscious yearnings.
- I went to the grocery store last night and came home with brownies, crab, sauvignon blanc, and rubber latex gloves. My life in a word, "glamorous".
- Coffee. That's nothing new. I always think about coffee.
- Cake. I like cake. It comforts, it soothes. It's like the mentholatum rub of the pastry world.
- Ointment. UGH! I hate the word "ointment"! My others? "Panties" and "moist". [Shudder!]
- I just don't know how this whole Madonna half-time show is gonna go down at the Super Bowl. Such an odd combination.
- I wish they'd make a third installment in the "Sex & the City" movie series. But, only because they need to apologize to us for the second one somehow. Right?!
- The next time someone tells you they're a "lover of the arts"? Clarify!
Have a great weekend, Kids!
I had to chuckle at the words you hate. All three of those are on my list as well.
ReplyDeleteI have Downtown Abbey on my Netflix queue although I haven't heard much about it. Glad to get a positive recommendation!
Happy weekend!
i hate the word custard. i just gagged typing it.
ReplyDeleteI'm not into the superbowl, I couldn't say for sure who's playing without looking it up.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your random filled weekend.
This entire post made me smile (which I needed today), but I have to disagree with you about the Sex and the City. That franchise needs to die.
ReplyDeleteIt was glorious, but it's over. Call it, Carrie.
So glad I got to meet you in person!
ReplyDeleteLove your list...have a great weekend!
Ha you're too funny. Love your thoughts about glitter shoes and cake. Happy weekend! xo
ReplyDeleteAh Beefy - thanks for the laughs. It's been a little while since I've visited and it did my heart good. I had a celebrity moment when I realized that my friend Jeanne (of Jeanne Oliver Designs) was hanging with you none other than your fabulous self at ALT! Jeanne hung out with Uncle Beefy?! That lucky girl!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend. It's snowing to beat the band here in Denver. Dinner plans cancelled. Brunch with girl friends tomorrow - cancelled. Sigh. And I love brunch so very much. xo!
You should so post more!
ReplyDelete*I loves San Fran!!!!! I visited often growing up.
*W-Abby, so fast paced! Scene, position selves, next scene, speed chatting, and scene - ! - But then Crandford could be considered slow...hmm, could we have a middle people!
*We gave up boo-KU profit sharing w/Furtune 500 Co. for a call into Ministry...I've never regretted it ;)
*I love my dogs!
I hate the word yellow. and I love cake too. glitter need to happen in my world too! Happy Weekend!
ReplyDeletehaha, i've been mispronouncing pho all this time. Fuh... fuh! anyway, i had a banh mi today and it was delicious! the peppers weren't as hot as i like them, but the sandwich was really good nonetheless.
ReplyDeletehappy happy weekend, uncle beefy!
ps: fergus is a cutieeee pie
Jill... Thanks for stoppin' by and taking the time to comment! Have you really not heard much about "Downton"? It's EXCELLENT! So, I hope you enjoy! :)
ReplyDeleteRAENOVATE... BWAH! You may have gagged but I guffawed! Hilarious! And, while I like ________, I kinda get what you mean when you say _______. ;)
Mary... thanks again for the comment! Enjoy your weekend as well!
laura @ hollywood housewife... Glad this post brought a smile to your face. Hope things are lookin' up soon. And, as far as the SATC comment? I actually agree! It's just that No. 2 was SO awful. That I feel like they owe it to fans to come back with a redemption film and then, YES!, call it quits. ;)
Jill... Glad that we got to meet as well! :) Nice to see you 'round these here parts! Y'all come back again, y'hear? :)
Nikki... Thanks! :) Hope you have a lovely weekend ahead, as well! Thanks for stopping by! :)
fernandflora... Nice to see you here again! And, I hear you, sometimes, it takes time before I can peruse all of the blogs. You're welcome anytime! Especially if you're in cahoots with Jeanne! ♥ her! :) Take care!
Fina... I obviously love SFO too but, admittedly, wonder what it would be like to be there day to day. Rose colored glasses? As far as passing up the $'s? Eh, it all happens as it's supposed to right? I'm being faithfully patient. Well, as much as I can anyway. ;) Be well!
The Martha Rose... Really? You hate the word "yellow"? Huh? I've never heard anyone say that before. But, then I'm not a super huge fan of the color myself so we'd be a nice balance! ;) Have a cake-filled, glittery weekend!
Katrina... Nice to have you here! Thanks for poppin' in! Yep. It's "fuh". People correct me all the time and I'm like, "Um, no. It's FUH!" I just have a hunch that my Vietnamese friends have a good grasp on their own language and they say "fuh". ;) It's been AGES since I've had a bahn mi and I'm DYING for one! Oy! And, Fergus says, "Thanks!" Looks like you got your own cutie-patootie yourself! ♥
Have a spectacular weekend, kids!
Thanks for the chuckles and for reminding me that I really must get a start on Downton Abbey! And I hear you about being app'd and platform'd out...been sitting at my screen for 1/2 hour willing myself to back away slowly...yet think I'll finally hook that data plan up to my smartphone very soon! Chat soon :)
I lack a strong, negative visceral reaction to any one word. But to this day I can't believe that the word "kumquat" can be all casual and appear in a street name. Or peppered throughout a children's book like it's no big deal. Kumquat.
ReplyDeleteThink about it.
Hey Uncle, I wish I lived in San Francisco too. If I don't live in San Francisco, Seattle is my second choice. I comforts me to know that I'll move to one or the other this summer. I also love my dog. And I love checking your blog everyday to see if you posted something. I don't want to subscribe to it though. It's way more exciting to check it everyday, couple of times. Thank you for your posts.
ReplyDeleteGO FOR THE GLITTER! I love you, B. Did you see Mel's post with the vista her husband took? Napa is on the top of my list of places to move to. I also have to admit, I now both squirm and giggle when I hear "ointment" (I personally hate "creamy".)
ReplyDeleteSuggestion: we do away with "moist" to describe cakes (such an uncouth association) and use a word like "velvety" instead.
Aroma - worst-word-ever! Moist is right up there too.
ReplyDeleteI detest both "panties" and "moist". I have in my life heard these two words used together and I could not begin to try to disguise the look of disgust on my face. The horror!
ReplyDeleteOk....LOVIN this new post. LOVE hearing what is on your mind hunnie bun! :) Uh, you totally could pull off some glitter and you know what's weird? I have been toying with the same idea ( or maybe that isn't weird knowing me) Hope you had a great weekend darlin, and I love Fergus too. ( and winston) the end.
I love the fact that I can hear your voice in my head when I read this list. Miss you mucho already!
ReplyDeletemove to sf and we can start a downton abbey club. addicted and just finished season 2....cant stop thinking about the series
ReplyDeleteHysterical... thanks for making my day!
ReplyDeleteI'm still laughing - the mentholatum rub of the pastry world. That has got to be the best quote! xx
ReplyDeleteLove This! So funny - I feel like I could perfectly imagine your neurones activating in completely different parts of your brain, tracing the sporadic thought process behind this list. Great stuff, and please, go ... Glitter it up -like it's never been done before! Xx.
ReplyDeleteps. I hate the 'p' word - the word used to describe cute cats or a certain part of the female anatomy.... you know that word? I HATE it, the sound of it, the way people's mouths look when they pronounce it. EEwww!
LOL! You are hilarious!