August 17, 2011

Being Boring


  1. Today was awesome...finally!!! Enjoy the beautiful summer evening...
    xo J~

  2. Such good memories with that PSB album! Definitely in my top all time musical album picks- it was actually my first ever "CD" (as opposed to casette)!

  3. I love your blog. Summer never came to England this year either. I have yet to don a sundress or sandal. It's August and I'm wearing a sweater! But, what can you do? Wine helps.

  4. Ah, one of my go-to's too. Being Boring is terrific-ly yummy for driving in summer night air..

  5. Now that sounds like the perfect summer evening to me. Hope there's some good food and company to go along with it.

  6. Great summer driving choice! Now I must dig my copy out. enjoy the weekend.


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