November 19, 2007

With I in my kerchief...

My current holiday reading list. Domino & Blueprint magazines just to inspire and get me in that holiday state of mind. (Is there a magazine cessation program of any kind? I'm not ready to quit, mind you...just asking. You know, for when it becomes a problem.) And, of course, David Sedaris' Holidays On Ice. A collection of short stories about all the things that should probably, in theory, make one avoid the holidays altogether. But y'know, you take the good, you, take the bad, you take 'em both and there you have...uh, let's not go down that road right now. Suffice it to say, how one family produced two such hilarious people (David & Amy Sedaris) I am not entirely certain, but I do believe it may have started with a little dysfunction served on the rocks with a side of shag carpeting. Love it!

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