April 25, 2014

Friday Favorites


Happy Friday, kids! How was your week? Hope it's been a good one! That rainbow up there happened last week and if you follow me on Instagram or any other Seattle-area blogger you'll know we went bananas with endless shots of this incredible beauty (it was actually a double rainbow!). I figure it's a great image to start the weekend with, n'est-ce pas? Here are a few other favorites to fritter through:

  • I so need to do this.
  • Can't wait to get my eyes on this book.
  • Geninne's work always makes me happy.
  • Billy is some serious kind of sass-o-FRASS and I can always count on him to make me laugh.
  • Sometimes I imagine Billy, Gabriel, and I hanging out together. Drinking these margaritas! We'd probably end up getting arrested.
  • Oh well, a good time for us to listen to Lisa school us in 'embracing the abyss'.
  • Maybe one of y'all would be willing to bring us this pretty little cake to cheer us up? File entirely optional.
  • And while we wait for you, we'll just be practicing our lip sync routine in the yard.

  • Woah. That got a little tangential, didn't it? Leave it to me.

    Happy weekending and I'll see you next week!


    1. I'll be honest-I had to look up tangential. ;)

      1. Haha! I even had to look it up to make sure it was a real word and not my linguistic liberties at play. ;)

    2. Replies
      1. I know this is *ridiculously* late for a reply, Tonia, but thank you for the lovely comment. I hope this finds you enjoying what's left of the summer. xx UB

    3. Mon Oncle..........where art thou? I feel a certain dimming of things when you aren't posting. Call me selfish. I can take it. ML

      1. Hello Monsieur Lane! It has been quite some time, hasn't it. Oh boy. I know it would appear that all is lost but there are some bubbles here and there that should surface sometime soon. There has been a lot going on behind the scenes that has distracted from 'The Bedlam' and, admittedly, had me lose some steam. But the engine is still running even if on neutral at the moment. But more will come. Hope you are well. Y'know, aside from being selfish. ;) UB


    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I always appreciate your thoughts. Your comment will appear as soon as I can publish it.

    p.s. - Contrary opinions or constructive criticism are also fine but "The Bedlam" doesn't serve as a platform for random (or anonymous) acts of offensiveness. Rude? Deleted.