February 22, 2010

Beef Cake


  1. mmmmm cake!
    how was brunch? I find they can paoch an egg, but have been very disappointed with weekday lunches and dinners. So much that we call it Cafe Hit and Miss ;-)

  2. Oh, you got me all kinds of excited. I suppose that extremely delicious looking cake will just have to do...

  3. looks delicious! but you're weekend can't beat mine! I became an uncle again! i have two nephews... now a niece. yay!

  4. Love your weekend!! And that is one mmmm... slice of cake!!

  5. so eager to see shutter island. i'm also now very curious as to how you related to the movie...hmm.

    i went to a "boob voyage" party with my boy- he has a coworker who is have reduction surgery this week! it was INTERESTING...definitely my first. very fun though :)

  6. That cake is the bombe!
    (Except for it not being frozen and all) Yum!

    Great weekend here. Went to the native plant sale and procured 35 trees - dogowoods, aspen and paper birch. Whole lotta plantin' goin' on - out in all that glorious sunshine.


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