June 15, 2009

The Good Old Days...?


  1. I love these. Of course, I'm a sucker for angst!

  2. how fun! i love looking back at my old art. some pieces i think "wow, i did that" and some i think "wow, i did that?" haha. love the one with the bottles!! would look great framed above a bar area. :)


  3. So true! I pinned some of mine up.. just fun to think of a time when I actually had many uninterrupted hours to sketch...

  4. Jane...thanks, m'dear. Obviously, I've had my love affair with "the angst" as well. But you know how things go? Break up...get back together...break up...get back together, and so on. Oy!

    Kelly...WELL said!

    umama...don't you know it! Oh to have that kind o' time again!

    Thanks for the luv, Kids!

  5. Oh man, you are so talented. Explains so much!


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